Oleg TomenkoCold Email | Email Marketing | Automation

Oleg TomenkoCold Email | Email Marketing | Automation

Lemlist & Hubspot Integration: step-by-step guide

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This is the guide on how to automatically transfer and update data and statuses from Lemlist cold outreach campaigns to Hubspot CRM.
The main goal is to keep data actual and save all touches with the prospects in the CRM system. In my case, Hubspot is a central source of inbound/outbound data, and I use Lemlist for cold outreach email campaigns.
I’m going to work with Leads and Lead Status property in Hubspot.
The general outbound funnel looks like that: Prospect - Replied - Call Scheduled - SQL - Offer - Closing - Won/Lost
Until the contact becomes a Sales Qualified Lead, I will work with it as a lead and use Lead Status to change his funnel stage.
Moreover, there are other statuses - Email Bounced, Unsubscribed, Unqualified. First two we can automatically get from Lemlist.
Let’s take a test batch of 70 contacts.

Spreadsheet of 70 test contacts

Integrating Hupspot with Lemlist

After exporting the CSV, I go to Hubspot and import contacts as a Static List.

Hubspot static list that I imported from csv

We get the list of 70 contacts, call it Outbound 1 batch. I set their Lead status=Prospect and Lead source=Outbound 1 batch.(Once I did it, I noticed that there were 50 emails from 70 contacts, but let it be.)

Hubspot static list with filled lead status and lead source

Then I go to Lemlist, Settings - Integrations, and set the sync with Hubspot.

Lemlist integrations settings window

Then I create a campaign (for example, Outbound 1 batch) and press Start Using Hubspot for this campaign in the campaign Settings. Now I can choose the filter (which is actually the Hubspot list). 
I select my list Outbound 1 batch.

How to automatically get leads from Hubspot to Lemlist

When I press Save, 50 leads for review appear in the Review tab. (Told you, there were 50).

Leads need to be reviewed in Lemlist

If you add more contacts to that Hubspot list, they will be automatically added to the Lemlist campaign as leads; you’ll just need to review them.
Pro tip: You can use dynamic lists in Hubspot + Lemlist as an option for lead nurturing.
Next, I create the sequences and prepare everything; all I have left is to press the play button.
As I said, my task was to mark leads engaging with campaigns. Replied needed to be assigned to an SDR. If an email bounces, I also need to mark it. The same goes for Unsubscribed - I don’t want to engage with him.
I go to Make (formerly Integromat) to set up the automation and create the scenario.
In the modules list, I’ll take Lemlist; the trigger will be Watch Email. I connect my Lemlist to Make via an API key (usual stuff, nothing special here).
Next, I created a webhook. I needed to watch all events and all campaigns, so I left all parameters blank. Press Save and OK.

webhook creation

I should watch a few events and take action depending on the circumstances. That’s why I’m adding Router - it will route the scenario (kind of If operator). The Router can be found in Tools.

How to find Router in tools

(If you plan to outreach with a few accounts simultaneously, you should create a different scenario for each account).
I’m going to set up filters in the Router by Type. I am interested in Replied, Bounced, and Unsubscribed.To understand the string Lemlist sends during each event, I must dive into API documentation.

API documentation in Lemlist

I see that options are emailsReplied, emailsUnsubscribed, or emailsBounced. So I make three threads.

How to setup different actions with Router in Make

I need to create an action in Hubspot for each case.

Hubspot actions in Make

When the contact replied, Lead Status = Replied. I choose Hubspot - Create/Update a contact, get an email from Lemlist and change the Lead Status.

Create a record in Hubspot via Make (Integromat)

Additionally, I can choose Contact Owner to assign the contact to a particular Sales Rep.

contact owner in Hubspot

Similarly, I add all other options, start a campaign in Lemlist, turn on the scenario in Make, and enjoy the saved time. This setup should be enough.
Thanks for your attention. Send your constructive criticism to moc.oknemotgelo%40gelo. If you need a consultation, let’s jump on a 30-min call.

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